Groupal Essay


v  Cesar Augusto Molina

v  Jefferson David Melo

v  Martha Jimena Linares

v  Nelfy Carolina Vega

Course: Advanced English II

Tutor: Milly Andrea Muñoz

Date: April 19th, 2018

Air’s condition, miracle changes in Bogotá

On March 23rd of 2018, the district environment secretary’s office and the district health secretary have announced the yellow alert state in Bogotá, they argued that the contaminating residues are not able to scatter, focusing in specific areas of the city and being dangerous for people; however, seven days later, these two secretaries, made a new publication, where they stated that the yellow alert was over, because of the strong rains and the wind direction change. Looking at these facts, I personally, questioned myself this, is the earth planet trying even yet to defend itself from the continuous human attacks? it seems to me, that it stills fighting to survive, as far as I’m concerned, most of the Bogota’s citizens do not realize the importance of taking care of earth planet or the consequences of the environmental damage they cause.

Even though these two secretaries gave some advices to reduce the air conditions damage, I consider as necessary that people must cooperatively work to sow plants or trees, reinforce recycling campaigns, and change the consumer habits, it would be easier to handle if for instance, students of 9th or 10th grade of schools that have to accomplish with a specific number of literacy hours help to do these jobs; another option is really applying the environmental penalty by two options, money or by doing this labor, with the collected money of those penalties, government may employ people to do it, then we generate job and make our own contribution to reduce the earth planet’s damage; as Chai Jing (1976) said “Environmental protection and economic development are not in conflict; environmental protection is not a burden but a source for innovation, it can increase competition, create jobs, and lifts economy”; without a doubt, not only Bogotá but the whole Colombian cities or towns need to adopt new customs, we need to realize the importance of changing and the impact our actions have, each one of us must be a guardian of our natural resources, earth planet has demonstrated that it keeps fighting to survive, it needs our help to do it,  Richard Rogers (1933) stated “the only one way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment is to get everybody involved”.

In any case, to be honest with you, I already did changes in my life to contribute to the earth's reparation, and I hope you to do it also, we are the generation in charge of that; remember that “this planet is our one and only home. We have no other choice – we must care for it” (Nature Quotes).


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